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Queer Legal Futures

World Map: Criminalization of LGBTQ People and Its Colonial Roots

The map below highlights countries around the world where LGBTQ people are criminalized, showing current laws and their colonial origins. Explore the map to dive deeper into these laws, uncover their colonial roots, and see how the fight for a safer, more inclusive future depends on progressive legal reform, global resistance, and decolonizing our legal systems.

61 Countries with anti same-sex intimacy laws across genders.
38 Countries with anti same-sex intimacy laws across genders.
21 Countries with anti same-sex intimacy laws targeting men.

View the law around same-sex intimacy in

and the impact of colonialism on these laws.

Queer Legal Futures

The mission of the Queer Legal Futures program is to empower lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ) individuals as architects of a just legal landscape, championing protective laws and policies and advocating for reform through innovative and affirming approaches. We aim to center queer voices in shaping inclusive laws and to challenge oppressive tools that seek to suppress our rights and existence, including discriminatory legal structures and patriarchal norms.

Learn more about the program