2nd Phase Completed to Enhance Domestic and Family Violence Protections for LGBT People in Philippines and Sri Lanka
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In 2019 and 2020, Outright, EnGenderRights, Women and Media Collective, and Venasa Transgender Network partnered to build on previous results achieved in 2016-2018 in the Philippines and Sri Lanka to improve LGBTIQ services and protections for domestic and family violence(DV/FV). In the second phase of this project, the partnership has broadened the geographic reach within the two countries to other cities in the Philippines and to other rights organizations in Sri Lanka with the goal of strengthening the pre-conditions for instituting LGBTIQ inclusive, responsive services for domestic and family violence which are among the most prevalent forms of gender-based violence facing LGBTIQ communities.
Three main objectives of the second phase work in the Philippines and Sri Lanka are:
- Protect LGBTIQ people from domestic and family violence through increased access to services by increasing the knowledge and skills of service providers and allies about sexual orientation, gender identity and expression (SOGIE), and LGBTIQ needs and concerns when facing family and partner violence.
- Expand alliances and build strategic partnerships to strongly support inclusive, accessible DV/FV intervention services that are well-publicized to LGBTIQ communities.
- Develop and establish a regional-level platform or network of expertise on SOGIE and gender-based violence to improve regional knowledge-sharing and peer learning on best practices for DV/FV interventions and protections.
Read our final evaluation to learn more about project outcomes and achieved targets. Click to read online or download PDF.
Philippines Project
Produced by: Outright International through the AusAid fund.
Description: A snapshot of project activities undertaken in the Philippines to improve domestic and family violence protections and services for LGBT people.
Total running time: 5 minutes 6 seconds.
Download the service protocols in English and Tagalog. This provides a step-by-step guide for delivering support to LGBTI victim-survivors of domestic and family violence. This guide includes psychological first aid.
Sri Lanka Project
There are now counseling manuals in three languages: English, Sinhala and Tamil. Each version is contextualized for the target audience, including terminology and concepts relating to sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression (SOGIE); domestic and family violence; and the use of non-heteronormative framework for gender, sexuality, and domestic violence. The manuals provide guidance for counseling L(G)BT victim-survivors of domestic and family violence.
For a glimpse of project activities in Sri Lanka, watch Outright’s video. Several videos were produced by our Sri Lanka partner organizations for an online awareness campaign.
Description: Research shows that depression and anxiety are common in the LGBTIQ+ community in Sri Lanka. This video helps LGBTIQ people identify good practices in a mental health counselor.
Total running time: 50 seconds.
Produced by: Venasa Transgender Network.
Description: Research shows that LGBT people in Sri Lanka face high levels of family violence. Aseni is a young transman. Parents reject his identity. A mental health counselor tries to advocate understanding and acceptance, but Aseni’s father gets violent with Aseni.
Total running time: 3 minutes 44 seconds.
Produced by: Venasa Transgender Network.
Description: What is gender-based violence, who are perpetrators, who are victims? This video was produced to help Sri Lankan LGBTIQ community members, service providers, and advocates understand how transgender men and women face discrimination, family violence, and lack of legal protections. English narration.
Total running time: 4 minutes 39 seconds.
Produced by: Venasa Transgender Network.
Description: Although Sri Lanka has laws prohibiting rape, sexual harassment, and non-consensual sex, the binary definition of gender appears to preclude protections for transgender victims of sexual violence. Two lawyers discuss how to navigate the law and steps towards improving sexual violence protections for transgender people. Sinhala with English subtitles.
Total running time: 10 minutes 46 seconds.
Regional Platform
In October 2020, Outright convened a 5-day online regional forum where 22 LGBTI advocates from 8 countries in Asia shared research data, advocacy strategies, and lessons from their work to address domestic and family violence in LGBTI communities. To learn more about the outcomes of this regional forum, download our report.
The regional forum culminated in establishing the Asia Regional Network on SOGIE and GBV, which currently has 27 members from 10 countries: China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Timor-Leste. Learn more about the network.
Outright is developing an online Asia Resources Hub for experts working on issues related to gender-based violence and SOGIE. The Hub will launch soon. To learn more, contact Grace Poore.

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