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LGBTIQ People Everywhere Should Enjoy Full Access to Education






Outright Team

Publish Date

October 31, 2024

Discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer (LGBTIQ) individuals in educational settings is widespread. This discrimination manifests in various ways, from the lack of inclusive policies to exclusionary laws and practices that jeopardize the education and well-being of LGBTIQ students, inflicting physical, emotional, and psychological harm.

Inclusive education must extend to all individuals, including those who identify as LGBTIQ. Upholding UN Sustainable Development Goal 4—ensuring equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for everyone—requires stakeholders to actively address and dismantle the barriers that prevent LGBTIQ learners from accessing their right to education.

To support this mission, Outright is conducting a study aimed at gathering evidence about the experiences of LGBTIQ students globally. We will investigate the laws, policies, and practices that either support or obstruct LGBTIQ individuals’ educational rights. Additionally, we will analyze the consequences of inadequate protective measures and the presence of inclusive policies, and we will assess the impact on LGBTIQ learners of the availability of comprehensive and inclusive sexuality education.

As part of this initiative, we are reaching out to recent LGBTIQ learners, educators, parents, guardians, activists, civil society organization staff, and officials from ministries of education and relevant government agencies worldwide. 

Part of this research includes a survey for 18 to 28-year-olds about their recent educational experiences in primary and secondary school. Your participation in this survey is crucial for understanding how educational environments in your country influence the experiences of LGBTIQ students. The survey is available in five languages, and you can respond in any language.

Your contribution is very valuable to us. Please use any of the following links to participate:

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