News Article
Outright Quoted on Far-right Christian Group Accused of Offering Barbaric Conversion Therapy to Kids
On 24 November 2021, PinkNews quoted Outright’s Senior Research Advisor, Amie Bishop, on the impact of so-called ‘conversion therapy’ bans implemented at the state level in the US. In the article, PinkNews underscores the anti-LGBTIQ actions of the fundamentalist far-right Christian group, Focus on the Family. An undercover investigation by OpenDemocracy revealed that therapists who were members of the Christian Counselors Network provided conversion practices to undercover LGBTIQ investigators even in states where the practices are banned. When asked about the effectiveness of so-called ‘conversion therapy’ bans, Bishop explained that “bans, alone, will not suffice to end so-called conversion therapy” and said the practitioners will target vulnerable LGBTIQ people until the queer community is “fully embraced by their families, their faiths, and their communities.”

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