Press Release
Outright's Statement for Transgender Day of Remembrance
New York, New York - November 19, 2021 - November 20th is observed annually as the Transgender Day of Remembrance, to draw attention to the levels of violence and hate faced by trans people, and commemorate those who have lost their lives to transphobia. As the so-called anti-gender movement of predominantly right-wing forces which opposes gender and LGBTIQ equality, in particular targeting trans people, is on the rise alongside rising murder rates of trans people, this day takes on ever more importance.
Trans people are among the most vulnerable and marginalized groups in societies, facing disproportionate discrimination in education and employment, and severe barriers to accessing health care. In 13 countries laws continue to criminalize “cross-dressing”, in a further 37 laws on morality, vagrancy, public nuisance, and others are used to target trans people. Only 15 countries allow legal gender recognition based on self-determination.
Deadly violence against trans people has been on the rise in recent years, coinciding with a rising backlash against LGBTIQ equality and, in particular, a growing anti-gender movement. According to the Trans Murder Monitoring Project, at least 350 trans people were killed in 2020, marking a 6% increase to data from 2019. In 2021 the number of those murdered increased by a further 7%, to 375.
Maria Sjödin, Acting Executive Director of Outright International, comments:
“The anti-gender movement loudly defends an outdated societal model characterized by a binary definition of gender, and strict gender roles and expectations, claiming that acceptance of any divergence from this model will destroy families and society as a whole.The rights of trans people are a particular target of this movement, which has pinned recognition of the rights of trans people as a threat to rights of women, thus engaging corners of women's and, indeed, LGB movements, bringing about a serious backlash against the right of trans people. This backlash risks stalling necessary progress towards self-recognition of gender identity, makes health care harder to access, and fuels hateful rhetoric. It is no wonder that transphobic violence is on the rise as a result. On this Transgender Day of Rememberance, remembering is not enough. We have to take urgent action to safeguard the basic rights of trans people.”
With the goal of expanding Outright’t global trans work, former board member Rikki Nathanson has recently joined the Outright staff as Senior Advisor - Global Trans Program.
Rikki Nathanson, Senior Advisor - Global Trans Program, comments:
“Statistics show that there has been an upsurge of the (known and reported) killings of my trans siblings worldwide. 375 trans people killed is 375 too many, slain in the most brutal and degrading manner due to bigotry. Today is a day to mourn, honor and celebrate the lives of those that would be otherwise forgotten. Those whose slayers thought they could erase from the face of the earth. It is a day to love and respect them, and a day to remind us that we must continually fight for justice.”

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