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Report Launch for "They Know What We Don’t:" Meaningful Inclusion of LGBTIQ People in Humanitarian Action
July 3, 2024 at 4:00 AM
Outright International would like to invite you to the launch of the publication “They Know What We Don’t:” Inclusion of LGBTIQ People in Humanitarian Action. Two webinars will be held on July 11, 2024, one at 10am Eastern Standard Time and the other at 11am Bangkok Time.
Far too often, LGBTIQ people are left out and left behind during humanitarian crises due to pre-existing stigma and discrimination that exacerbates risk when a crisis hits. While this publication acknowledges current challenges, it primarily seeks to illuminate examples where humanitarian actors and LGBTIQ community organizations are working toward equitable partnerships to ensure LGBTIQ communities access timely humanitarian assistance with dignity and respect, with the hope of inspiring improvement across the sector.

Join us for a review of our findings and a lively discussion with Tarek Zeidan - Lebanon, Ruslana Hnatchenko - Ukraine, and Wilson Casteñeda -Colombia on the challenges they face and the solutions they are pursuing. Translation for Spanish, Arabic, and French will be available.

Join us for a review of our findings and a lively discussion with activists from the Asia and Pacific Islands regions on the challenges they face and the solutions they are pursuing.
This report was made in collaboration with

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