2022 Pride Around the World Report
Publish Date
June 22, 2022
Outright International today published its annual Pride Around the World report. The report tracks the proliferation of Pride marches and other events aimed at LGBTIQ visibility around the world, including a focus on countries where Pride was celebrated for the first time in 2021 or where heightened repression made it impossible.
Through case studies on the Bahamas, Georgia, Hungary, Lithuania, Ghana, Malawi, and Rwanda, the report sheds light on legal and political environments that enabled or complicated Pride events in 2021. It also analyzes survey responses from 67 activists in 45 countries, drawing out the multiple purposes of Pride, including awareness, advocacy, community building and resistance.
The report highlights research showing that, despite COVID-19 restrictions, Pride festivities were marked in at least 107 countries in 2021, spanning from urban enclaves to small town communities to virtual engagements. The report also provides data on countries in which Pride is celebrated outside capital cities, an important step for many movements. A multiplicity of Pride locations reinforces that LGBTIQ people are everywhere, and dispels the myth that queerness is restricted to cosmopolitan, urban elites.
The reports were created with support from:

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